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Wisdom Teeth Removal: Procedure, Benefits, Costs

The third molars or more commonly known as wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth to develop in the late teens or early 20s. In many cases, wisdom teeth do not come properly into the mouth and get stuck in gums or pushed through the gums, which makes it need for wisdom teeth removal, also known as Wisdom tooth removal or extraction, a dental procedure that is performed as an outpatient procedure to remove a tooth from the third set of molars; this set is called wisdom teeth. It is usually the last tooth to erupt in the mouth of a person, but not everyone has it, as some have not even one wisdom tooth, and some have all four of them in their mouth. Wisdom teeth have to be removed in a few cases including an angled eruption of the teeth as it erupts in an angle instead of parallel direction. This condition leads to immense pain and difficulty in oral hygiene.

What is wisdom teeth removal?

Wisdom teeth removal is the; procedure of extraction of the impacted tooth. Impaction is when teeth do not emerge entirely from gums and are affected at various levels. Like if a tooth does not emerge from bone it can be complete or partial. Suppose the tooth is above the bone and covered only by gum tissues. The tooth has to be removed when it emerges from different angles: vertical, horizontal, and distal. If a person keeps on avoiding the removal of the impacted tooth, it can hear them in many ways and are more prone to :

  • Cysts
  • Decay in surrounding teeth
  • Infected gums
  • Bone damage
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Crowded teeth

Wisdom tooth removal is not always needed if it is grown correctly and has enough space in the mouth. If there is an issue like an impacted tooth then it has to be extracted with surgery immediately.

How does wisdom teeth removal work?

Wisdom teeth removal is a minor surgery done by an experienced oral surgeon and takes about 30 to 60 minutes. Prior to the start of surgery, the surgeon will take X-rays of the mouth to look at the wisdom tooth and to plan the removal as per the position of the tooth.

  • The wisdom teeth removal surgery starts by injecting anesthesia by the surgeon to the patient to numb the area where surgery has to be done. After waiting for some time, it ensures that the patient’s mouth area is numb and now there is no sensation that an incision is made around the focus wisdom tooth that has to be extracted.
  • The surgeon will then start the extraction procedure of the wisdom tooth. The removal cases are different, and it depends on the complexity of the case. The surgeon will do surgery if a tooth comes easily from the socket in one attempt; then, it will be a quick process. If in case the tooth is stuck in the socket, the surgeon will cut a part of the dental bone as well.
  • After the completion of the wisdom tooth procedure, bleeding will be stopped by a placing gauge and, with the help of medications, to the patients, and the procedure ultimately ends here.

What is the cost of wisdom teeth removal?

Wisdom tooth removal cost varies and depends upon many factors, including.

  • Wisdom tooth position – The teeth are generally impacted in the jaw bone and the overall cost of removal of wisdom tooth dramatically depends upon its position. The price will be more for the deep-resided wisdom tooth.
  • Type of anaesthesia needed – The removal cost also depends upon the type of anaesthesia used as the removal typically needs local anaesthesia, but in free cases, the patient may require conscious sedation, which can increase the cost.
  • Service quality
  • Wisdom tooth removal has sterilisation protocols, tooth removal, painless anaesthesia, the surgeon’s expertise, and post-surgical management on which the cost depends.

What is the cost of wisdom teeth removal in Delhi?

For the best wisdom teeth extraction in Delhi, visit Orion Dental Clinic, one of the best dental clinics offering affordable wisdom teeth extraction. The extraction is done with modern equipment there and in a safe and hygienic environment. The clinic provides painless wisdom teeth extraction in South Delhi GK 1 and takes appropriate measures to ensure the painless removal of the impacted teeth. The wisdom teeth removal cost range starts at wisdom teeth removal starts from INR 7000, however the cost varies as per the condition. It is best to discuss the overall cost of wisdom teeth in advance with the dentist to make it easy for you.

How long does it last?

Wisdom tooth removal is a joint surgery that lasts for about 50 to 60 minutes, and it takes about three days to one week to recover entirely. The recovery period post-surgery takes time and varies from patient to patient. It depends upon the number of teeth extracted, the patient’s age, if the tooth is also impacted, and if any complications occurred during the surgery. Your surgeon will instruct you about the ways to take care of the recovery period after the removal of wisdom teeth, however, it takes many days, and in a few axes, there can be swelling and discomfort for a week or more.

What are the pros and cons of wisdom teeth removal?

Wisdom teeth grow after a certain age and are permanent and many have normal wisdom teeth, causing no issues. But in some, the growth of wisdom teeth causes unbearable pain, and it becomes necessary to get it removed to get relief from the pain and discomfort. There are many pros and cons of wisdom teeth renewal; let us discuss them :

Pros of wisdom teeth removal :

  • Wisdom teeth removal helps to get relief or to prevent oral and facial pain because orofacial pain is the common issue people experience associated with wisdom teeth. Also, problems like crowding, gum disease, and tooth decay are prevented after the removal of wisdom teeth.
  • Wisdom teeth can become overcrowded and can harm the surrounding teeth. The removal lowers the chances of braces and other dental treatments that are needed to straighten misaligned teeth.
  • Wisdom teeth removal reduces headaches and overcrowding as well.
  • Wisdom teeth removal offers many health benefits as well and lowers the risk of gum disease.
  • Wisdom teeth extraction results make teeth cleaning easier and help to maintain proper oral hygiene.
  • Wisdom teeth extraction can also save future expenses of dental treatments.
  • The extraction also lowers the risk of tumours and cysts.

Cons of wisdom teeth removal

  • Wisdom teeth removal is a common surgical process but some dentists recommend not to remove the wisdom teeth owing to the side effects and complications. You should know the potential risks associated with wisdom teeth removal :
  • After Tooth extraction, patients can have dry sockets, which makes the area more prone to form blood clots.
  • There is a risk of infection post-surgery, and it is vital to practice proper and regular hygiene routines to minimise the risk.
  • Nerve damage is another risk; however rare but can occur.
  • People sometimes face a longer than normal recovery period because of some factors like complexity and personal health.
  • Sometimes, general anaesthesia has to be used during extraction, which leads to some risks as well.
Dental Problem Treatment Precautions
Tooth Decay (Cavities) Dental fillings, root canal treatment, dental crowns – Practice good oral hygiene to prevent further decay.
– Limit sugary food and drinks.
– Attend regular dental check-ups.
Gingivitis Professional dental cleaning, improved oral hygiene – Brush and floss regularly.
– Use an antimicrobial mouthwash.
– Schedule routine dental cleanings.
Periodontitis Scaling and root planing, antibiotics, surgery – Maintain excellent oral hygiene.
– Quit smoking to improve gum health.
– Follow post-surgery care instructions.
Tooth Sensitivity Desensitizing toothpaste, fluoride treatments – Avoid acidic foods and drinks.
– Use a soft-bristled toothbrush.
– Inform your dentist about sensitivity concerns.
Missing Teeth Dental implants, Dental  bridges – Follow proper oral hygiene for prosthetic care.
– Attend regular follow-up appointments.
– Avoid biting hard objects to prevent damage.
Malocclusion Braces, Invisalign – Adhere to orthodontic treatment guidelines.
– Attend regular adjustment appointments.
Oral Infections (Abscess) Drainage root canal treatment – Complete the full course of prescribed antibiotics.
– Follow post-treatment care instructions.
– Maintain good oral hygiene.
Bruxism (Teeth Grinding) Mouthguards, stress management techniques – Wear a custom-fitted night guard as prescribed.
– Manage stress through relaxation techniques.
Dry Mouth (Xerostomia) Saliva substitutes, medications to stimulate saliva – Stay hydrated by drinking water regularly.
– Limit caffeine and alcohol intake.
– Chew sugar-free gum to stimulate saliva production.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth Extraction of impacted wisdom teeth – Follow post-extraction care instructions.
– Attend follow-up appointments for monitoring.
Cracked or Fractured Teeth Dental bonding, dental crowns, root canal therapy – Avoid chewing hard objects or ice.
– Report any discomfort or changes to your dentist.

Remember, individual cases may vary, and it’s essential to consult with a dentist for personalized advice and treatment plans.


Wisdom tooth removal reasons are different in different cases and the most common reason is the impacted teeth. The tooth is removed if it causes issues or can cause problems in the future. The decision about whether to remove wisdom teeth or not depends upon the trouble it is causing you. It is vital to get yourself checked immediately if you feel discomfort in your teeth. Visiting the best dental clinic can help you get all your answers in terms of wisdom teeth removal. So if you are experiencing swelling, headaches, pain, or discomfort at the back of the jaw, it is best to visit the best dental clinic in Delhi, Orion Dental Clinic, to get yourself checked by expert dentists. They will check and determine the symptoms of a wisdom tooth coming in and will treat them accordingly.

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